Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jobs admits Mobile Me “not up to Apple standards”.

The Mobile Me launch debacle is still haunting Apple it seems. After the troubled launch of the service on July 9 and several issues that plagued the transition from the .mac domain, Steve Jobs in a recent circular to Apple employees -- admitted that the Mobile Me launch was not perfectly timed, nor was it “upto Apple standards” he said.
He added, "It was a mistake to launch MobileMe at the same time as iPhone 3G, iPhone 2.0 software and the App Store. We all had more than enough to do, and MobileMe could have been delayed without consequence."

That incidentally is the popular sentiment from Mac fans as well. Mobile me could have been launched in a phased manner after more important services like over-the-air iPhone syncing and web apps could have been launched initially.

The launch troubles has also resulted in a reorganization of the MobileMe team which is now headed by Eddy Cue (Former VP, iTunes). Eddy will also head the App Store and will report directly to Steve Jobs.

"The MobileMe launch clearly demonstrates that we have more to learn about Internet services," Jobs says. "And learn we will. The vision of MobileMe is both exciting and ambitious, and we will press on to make it a service we are all proud of by the end of this year."

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