Friday, December 30, 2011

The curious case of the Kottayam Signboard

For the past three days, I have been seeing an image of a signboard that shows three distances to Kottayam Town (a town in Central Kerala). The image seems to have gone viral and has seen quite a few hilarious comments and some even blaming the Kerala PWD for being dumb to do something that is as evidently stupid  as this.

Now, being a guy from the town (I don't live there, but I go there quite often), I have seen this board many times and let me tell you that this is no mistake! It is actually correct! The guy who posted this first has obviously used Photoshop to add the "2km" bit at the bottom but the other two distances that show 5 km and 4kms are actually correct. Not only has he changed the names of the places, he has also changed the directions of the arrow.

Update: A friend tells me that the 2km bit is there but the text is something else. It says "Thiruvathukkal"  instead of Kottayam as shown in the picture. 

I have seen many people ridicule the board saying either Kottayamites are idiots or the whole of Kerala is filled with idiots to do something as obviously dumb as this. Well those who think that the ones who put up this board are idiots, let me tell you that the joke is actually upon them.

Firstly, let me tell you that this board is at a place called Illickal, a place at the town limit (actually, this is the bridge from where Kottayam Urban Area starts). I have depicted the location in the map below:

There is a junction right after this bridge from which you can take two routes that will lead you to two different areas of Kottayam town. Now, while Kottayam is not a very large city, people take either of these routes depending on where they want to go. If someone wants to go to the south side, they will take the 4km route - for someone who wants to go north, take the 5km option. If I am not mistaken, there is  board slightly ahead of this one that shows where these two roads lead to in town. I am not sure if it's there now though. 

Anyway, I hope I have demystified the curious case of the "dumb" signboard. What makes me wonder is that people fail to understand that there could be two ways to reach one town - albeit they will end up in two different parts of the town. 

Update 2: Here is the picture of the original signboard. Notice how even the direction of the arrow has been changed. 

There is a two way junction right after this one. One goes to Kottayam via Thazhathangady/CMS College and the other via Thiruvathukkal to Kottayam as depicted in the board. Now instead of being stupid, this actually makes sense. Thanks to "Gopu" who is credited with taking this original picture. :)

Hope this clears all doubts!


l1nu5r said...

okie, board meant different parts of Kottayam.

but did it convey it? no and still looks dumb..

Rahul Srinivas said...

It relative my friend. Like I said, there's another one ahead which tells you where these two roads lead to - so the conveyance bit is done. Just that they didn't do it here in this picture :-|.

MithunOnThe.Net said...

Wow, are people that clueless or have a good eye for faked images? Look at the 'Kottayam' text in the second and third, and then look at the distorted angle of the third arrow. It's called Photoshop... and that photo isn't even a good job!

Abby Parackal said...

as the author mentioned the sign board is actually correct.both 4km&5km distances shows 2 different routes to reach the same location i.e.kottayam town.....people choose either of this routes based on traffic situations.....

ARJUNLAL said...

let me ask then, have u ever seen such a signboard anywhere else?? when u are in a road outside city, whichever city it may be, there may be different ways to get to different parts of city. does that mean they have to put a sign board as dumb as this? or does this mean that Kottayam is the only town/city in Kerala to have multiple ways to get into town??

Rahul Srinivas said...

Arjunlal bhai, you dont get it do you? The board is EDITED with a capital "E". Photoshopped. The actual board shows the distance towards another location (that falls mid way between the board and Kottayam town - with the correct directions. And for gods sake, this is not the ONLY board on the route and peoples lives are not dependent on this. Its the Kottayam - Kumarakom - Cherthala road for gods sake and it is filled with sign boards. Also, Kottayam is a small town, hardly 1 km difference from the exit points of both the roads at Baker Junction or near Orchid Hotel.

Rahul Srinivas said...

Also, this is a road just outside the town limits and there is no point in showing specific areas of the town. In any case, you will reach two ends of the town that are hardly 1 km apart. To cite an example, when one travels to Mumbai from Pune there are many signboards JUST OUTSIDE the city limits that show just "Mumbai". Only when you are inside the city/town do they show boards to roads that lead to different areas of the town. I know that was a lame example but the concept is the same and how big is Kottayam anyway? I would agree that this was dumb say had this board been somewhere inside the town limits.

Nitin Sisupalan said...

Stupid Signboard is Stupid because it is stupid. Very many places have the same sort of problem but no-one makes fun of it, like they make of Kottayam. Do you know why? 'cause no-one likes Kottayam. If the people living there were a little less of themselves and showed some humility for a change, someone would have really not taken their case.

Ahangaram koodyal ingane palathum sambhavikkum.

Here is my request to dear Kottayam Jungle people:

1. Kottayam is NOT a corporation. It is a Municipality. Stop claiming it is one.

2. No-one likes Kottayam people because you boast too much.

3. The Railway station, the rail-route via Kottayam, and Food (Oh my God, the food) sucks Donkey Balls. Admit it. (Also Chaala fish and Matthi fish are two different fishes you dumb non-beach-dwelling clowns)

4. And yes, we are all ready to overlook all this IF you people stop seeing the rest of the world as inferior to you. Either we are all same, or we are superior. Capiche?

Case closed.

Rahul Srinivas said...

Lol Sisupala.

Just because you met a couple of morons (I BET ITS YOUR EX!) from Kottayam who claim it to be the best place on the planet you generalise the ENTIRE lot from there? That some fucked up logic right there.That said, your hatred against one place and the people from there defies logic.

To address your points:

1. Who the eff claims it is a corporation? I don't recall doing so. None of my folks who are there claim it to be one and nor do the elected representatives from the place do. Please clarify who. Again, you met some prick who claims it is and then generalise the statement to be the voice of all of Kottayamites? Even if you claim "everyone you met said so", doesnt make your claim any more valid.

2. Well thats another generalised statement. "No one like Kottayam" Really? Just because you say so?

3. Good. You at least have an alternative. The fuck told you to come via this route? Take the Alleppey route when you want to go wherever you want to go. Bypass the whole place. The Vembanad lake might have been gods way of keeping Kottayam hating pricks away from the town but they keep on coming there anyway to spew venom. Remember, no one invited you here and you still come. And the railway station sucks? And thats the reason you hate the entire goddam town and the people from there? (which includes me as well). And if it really does, it sucks just like any other railway station does in India.

4. WE are ready to overlook all this? WE? Are you referring to all your #kottayamjungle hashtag-(mis)using closed user group on Twitter? Well if you are referring to them, DONT OVERLOOK. You folks don't matter.

And get this: There are good and bad people everywhere. Just because you had a bad experience or whatever from a person or a group belonging to that place, you CANT generalise? Oh wait, or maybe thats what TVM'ites are good at? :P

As for that board, it is photoshopped like I mentioned in the post. The 2 KM part points to Thiruvathukal and since the board is outside the town limit, it is NOT STUPID.

Nitin Sisupalan said...

Your reply just summed up all that I just said. :D

Keep thinking it is a personal attack. I hope it helps you like it helps the rest of you.

Rahul Srinivas said...

Da, kutta, you are like one of those irritating Girlfriends who keep saying everything else - except for the thing that matters.

Can I get a straightforward answer?

"Keep thinking it is a personal attack?"

Well, if you abuse EVERYONE from a place, just because they were born there or stay there, it IS indeed a personal attack. And if it is not, please specify what it is. Maybe Kottayamites are not good at reading between lines?

At least I don't spew venom against a group of people from a place I don't fancy going to. :-|

Ippozhatte piller.

admin said...


nangi billy said...

I've recently tried this route. this is kottayam to cherthala/vaikom highway through kumarakom. infact, when I used Kottayam-kumarakom-vaikom-Ernakulam route, it is like some 70kms or lesser. narrow yet scenic highway.

regarding Kottayam haters, Kottayam/Vaikom/Meenachil(Pala) are actually friendly people.

It is One City, where You feel the standards are better compared to rest of Kerala and people- interacting with them is really great. they speak respectfully unlike some northern/southern slangs.
Love Kottayam.

Anonymous said...

Still dumb, even if you ignore the last line (with 2km).

It must read, Kottayam South & North. Than trying to justify so much, go and correct the sign board & NOW.

Ha ha , expecting people to read two road sign board in conjunction is even more dumb.

Rahul Srinivas said...

Dear Anonymous, no need to "CORRECT" one sign when there are a dozen others that are around which point towards the right directions. And no, there is no "Kottayam North" or "Kottayam South". It is just 1 or 2 kms across - where these two roads end up. No point actually. But then, the likes of you don't get it. :-|

@nangibilly Nice nick!! :D

dineshpkm said...

which place is exactly Kottayam 0km?

eg In chennai St george fort is Chennai 0 km, In hYDERABAD IT IS THE ASSEMBLY and In Bangalore it is The fort

Rahul Srinivas said...

@dinesh not really sure about that. Maybe Kottayamites who live there can answer.

Ved from Victoria Institutions said...

Those who find totally opposite side directions to a place to be idiotic, may not have much understanding of Kerala roads. I do know many other places, where such things happens. There are roads which if you go through, you end up finding even the North-East-South-West directions going off logic. This is just because the roads do curve very much, and that too illogically.
However the board is not of any sensible standards, for at least the words KM should have been there.

Anonymous said...

Zimply zuperd I zay! time for sum banana waferz, yenjoy

Anonymous said...


Even with the photoshop, this pales in comparison. Haven't been to Kottayam ever, but have seen quite a lot of signs defying common sense in cities around the world. So why dis....

Anonymous said...

The Board may photoshopped - but it did bring a smile to many lips- in this fast paced life the harmless trespass is ok. Many thanks dear Kottayamites.

Rahul Srinivas said...

Amen to that! :)

Neha said...

OK. So people who are asking why we need two boards with opposing arrows going to the same place, here is my question, what would you rather have?

Would you rather that at crossroads, there is a board which says kottayam in one direction, and leaves the other blank?

If you want to go to Kottayam and see this board and get confused, well no matter which route you take you are going to end up there. So what the *bleep* is your problem? Get over yourselves, and try to think on lines of "what could it mean?" instead of jumping right in and thinking, "omg! this is hilarious. am I the only indian with brains?" And for the record, clearly, you are not one.

hello4joe said... is our "GOD's own land"..don't make a tourist ask 'ethu koththaazhathukaaranede yevanokke' is a disgrace to our beautiful land!

Unknown said...

Had the words (in smaller fond)"Via Chalukunnu" and "via Karapuzha" are added against the respective routes, the confusion could have been avoided.
There is ample space in the signn Board. The existing defect will definitely confuse Tourists and also a lot of people passing through the road. THE PWD SHOULD ACT AT LEAST NOW.

Anonymous said...

as a person from kottayam i am really happy that you have clarified the issue....