Precisely! Let me explain.
I am not trying to bloat this place by my self egocentricity.. but heck, I considered myself a gadget guru. I seriously thought I was one. And there were reasons. I was the local neighbourhood "know-it-all". Almost everyone who was in possession anything remotely resembling an electronic gadget within 500 meters of my locality has had a session of "what to buy and why to buy" from yours truly before they ventured out and actually had a look at the products. In most cases, I had delivered the Verdict and the product was usually selected much before the folks ended up at the showroom. I recall in some cases, I made people call up showrooms and make them ask if they had the (add any model number here) in stock. If not when can we expect one so that we can get it home as soon as possible.
And it worked! I still have friends and relatives who are extremely happy that I was there for them to guide through.
I was still basking in the glory of my know it all status when I decide to get myself something. Its been long since my N73 lost its original headset and audio adapter. Headed straight to the Nokia website and had a look. Then the typical geek mentality takes over. Get another run of the mill AD-41 and HS-20?? No way!! I want something better, expensive and it should look er.. geeky and it ought to be something that no one else has.
Thats when I spot a gem amongst the array of ridiculous looking headsets. The HS 69! It had everything I needed - and more. Music control buttons, (play,pause,previous, next), Radio, LCD display which displays the current track, displays the caller name/number while on call and also gives notification of messages and stuff. And I thought it looked cool as well! So it was decided. This is destined to be my next acquisition.
Thats when I found something interesting. This thing is RARE! I roamed almost every authorised dealerships to have a look at the thing and buy one if they have it. Apparently, no one stocks it (I think no one wants it) That fuelled the geekiness in me to newer heights. I am going to get this no matter what - I recall saying this to myself.
Where my search for the HS-69 in stores failed to yield anything positive, a quick Google search revealed that the object of my attention is available for sale online! So what? Got myself one immediately and I two days ago received it in a tacky brown envelope. Opened it up and guess what??
NO 3.5MM JACK!!!
I ASSUMED this thing would come with a 3.5mm jack. I assumed it because the 69 in HS-69 sounds more high end than the HS -20. So what I have with me now is a stupidly elongated weird looking music controller (some asked me if it was an MP3 player) with extremely unusable and un-ergonomically placed buttons and what more? It comes with headphones that apparently were designed by the soviets in the mid 60's.
Thankfully, the shop where I went to get myself a Creative EP-630 noise cancellation headphones to pair with the HS-69, they did not have it in stock. Thats 700 bucks saved.
Never trust a geek.
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