Most of us must be aware of Digg – the social content website where any interesting news/story can be submitted and voted for. Only the most popular stories make it to the front page. Voting up is called digging and if a story is not worth the hype, it is buried.
Visit Digg for more on that.
Now, according to reports, apna Google is working on a similar feature for its search results. Prima facie, it seems Google is “bucket testing” the application. Bucket testing is nothing but making the feature available to select randomly chosen users. While most may just miss it, there are some who do notice this and send in screenshots!
Adrian Pike is one such user and he has sent some screenshots which does suggest that Google is working on similar feature. From the screen shots he has sent to TechCrunch, an up and down arrow can be clearly seen – along with an X. When the up arrow is clicked, it turns green and it adds to the total vote count. This was reported earlier as well by the folks at Tech Crunch – the only difference this time being the option to change your vote.
Once the testing is complete and all goes well, Google will move this to the Google Experimental Area where this can be added by any user.
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