Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New MacBooks coming soon?

If Citigroup analyst Richard Garner is to be believed, we’d be seeing a fresh line up of Apple MacBooks very soon. While Techtree had reported in July about Apples plans for a revamped Macbook lineup, we were quite unsure how soon this would be coming through and what would the products end up like.

Garner claims “field checks” have confirmed that new Macbooks have begun shipping already. If that’s not enough, there are some bits on the features as well that seemed to have been leaked. These include a “thin aluminium casing” and an “LED backlit display” amongst others. That’s hardly something a Mac freak would be happy to learn about – but yes, at least it’s better than nothing.

As for the launch date, there have been reports of a probable October 14 release. This report is just one of the many.

It was hoped that the September 9 “Let’s Rock” event would throw some light on Apple’s roadmap for the Macbook. However, not many know that Apple usually does not mix iPod announcements with its other line-up of products.

With the revamped Macbook lineup, Apple looks forward to boost their fourth quarter revenues.

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